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 Dr. Muhammad Fakhar-ul-haq Noori

Dr. Muhammad Fakhar-ul-haq Noori
( Dean )

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Dr. Muhammad Fakhar-ul-Haq Noori is serving as Professor of Urdu and Dean in Faculty of Languages (FOL), Minhaj University Lahore, Pakistan. He received his PhD as well as Master’s degree in the subject of Urdu, from University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. The Title of his PhD dissertation was “ N.M. Rashed: Research and Critical Study” (ن م راشد: تحقیقی و تنقیدی مطالعہ) . The specialization of Dr. Noori is Modernism and the Modern Literary Trends in Urdu Poetry of post Iqbal era in twentieth century as N.M Rashed was the most prominent and trend setter poet of above mentioned modern era of Urdu Poetry. In M.A, Dr. Noori stood 1st in the University, securing 84% marks. He also wrote a Research Thesis on the topic of “ Prose Poem” (نثری نظم). At That time, He was declared the best poet of University Oriental College, Lahore. Dr. Noori has almost 40 years career of an educationist and he has served in different cadres of teaching, initially at college and then at University level. He is former Chairman, department of Urdu, Dean, Faculty of Oriental Learning and Principal, University Oriental College Lahore. In 2000, he was awarded with the best teacher award by P.U administration. In 2016, in acknowledgement of his professional achievements regarding teaching and research he has been given a Gold medal by Tehrik-e-Istehkam-e-Pakistan. Dr. Noori has international exposure of teaching to world class academic intitutions. He has taught as visiting Professor at Osaka University of Foreign Studies Japan, from April 2005 to March 2008. He also went to Peking University of china, in 2013, where he completed a project of compiling Chinese-Urdu dictionary, as an expert of Urdu language, along with Chinese scholars. During this visit, he also delivered a large number of lectures to Chinese student of Urdu language and literature. Furthermore, He has attended, participated and organized a large number of seminars and conferences at local, national and international level. For this purpose, he visited India, Iran and Turkey also. He has a large number of articles along with more than 60 research publications in HEC recognized and 03 in well reputed international research journals. He has authored and compiled around 20 books. He has so far produced 41 PhD students, 63 MPhil students and supervised 57 students at M.A. level. Another aspect of his involvement in research activities is that he served as an Editor in Chief of ‘Oriental College Magazine’ which is an HEC recognized research journal. Prior to that, he also remained editor of two HEC recognized journals named, “ Bazyaft” and “Majalla e Tehqeeq”. Now a days, he is giving such services for Minhaj University’s Bi-annual Research Journal ‘Zoraiz’. His name is also included in the editorial boards of many research journals. In addition, during his job in University of the Punjab he was a member of the Senate, member of the Academic Council, member of the Board of Faculty, member of the Board of Studies, member of the Board of Advanced Studies and Research, member of the Affiliation Committee and member of many other committees. In short, He has a remarkable academic and administrative experience.


  • Ph. D, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan (1997)
  • M.A, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan (1980)
Title Volume.# Issue.# Pages Year
نثری نظم
منتخب ادبی اصطلاحیں
آزادی کی گونج
میرے بھی ہیں کچھ خواب(بیاضِ راشد بخط راشد)
جدید فارسی شاعری(ن م راشد کے غیر مدون اردو تراجم)
ن م راشد (راشد صدی: منتخب مضامین) ترتیب بہ اشتراک
ن م راشد کی نظموں کے انگریزی تراجم
بیادِ میر
بیادِ راشد
مکاتیب بنام راشد
مطالعۂ راشد (چند نئے زاویے)
خواجہ معین الدین اور تعلیمِ بالغاں
ن م راشد: تحقیقی وتنقیدی مطالعہ