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MOU with TRISAKTI University, Indonesia

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed amont Trisakti University, Indonesia and Minhaj University Lahore concerning School of Islamic Economics Banking and Finance of Minhaj University Lahore. 

  • To promote International understanding and to establish relations and cooperation between TUJ and MUL to enrich the understanding of the academic rigor and epistemological specialization in the field of Islamic Economics & Finance, of the cultures and educational systems of these two countries, this Memorandum of Understanding seeks specifically
  • To encourage conformable joint teaching, research and other activities by interested members of faculty at TUJ and MUL in the field of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance programs.
  • To mutually utilize the expertise of TUJ and MUL in human resource development and curriculum and research project developments, with special focus being in postgraduate methodology and analytical methods of Islamic Economics, Finance, Science, and Society.
  • To encourage the exchange of faculty and students between the two institutions as required. Focus on the Islamic (Qur'anic) methodological derivations and development methods of Islamic socio-scientific analysis and applications. To mutually participate in the developments and deliberations, teaching and research one above-mentioned programs in both Islamic Economics & Finance TUJ and MUL domains
Promote International understanding and to establish relations and cooperation between TUJ and MUL to enrich the understanding of the academic rigor and epistemological specialization in the field of Islamic Economics & Finance, of the cultures and educational systems of these two countries, this Memorandum of Understanding seeks specifically Encourage conformable joint teaching, research and other activities by interested members of faculty at TUJ and MUL in the field of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance programs.