The competent authority has approved the following:
1. The university has been receiving many emails from the students requesting to extend their fee submission date, the last date of fee submission for the students has been extended to 9th June 2020. They may send an email to [email protected], in case of any further query.
2. Keeping in view the extension in the fee date, the starting date of the midterm examination has also changed from 8th June 2020 to 10th June 2020. Now, the midterm examinations will start w.e.f 10th June 2020. The examinations department will make the necessary changes in the dates and can take examinations on Saturdays as well. However, the last date of the examinations shall remain the same.
3. There will be a mock test for the students to familiarize them with the Computer Based Examination that they will appear in on CMS. The mock test will be conducted on 8th June 2020. Directorate of Academics will issue further details.
The university has been receiving many emails from the students requesting to extend their fee submission date, the last date of fee submission for the students has been extended to 9th June 2020