To help and encourage more entrepreneurial spirit among young students and graduates of Minhaj University, ORIC MUL is going to organize a business idea competition for Minhaj University Lahore students with the collaboration of ICRIE sponsored by “Al-Mawakhat Islamic Microfinance” named “Business Ideas Competition 2019” for creative and entrepreneurial mind-sets focusing on the vision of
“Serving Humanity with Dignity”
Platform: Minhaj University Lahore (MUL)
Organized by: ORIC MUL
Collaboration: International Center for Research in Islamic Economics (ICRIE)
Sponsored by: AL-Mawakhat Islamic Microfinance
What we are looking for you?
The participants will have to propose new solutions that meet the following requirements:
- Focus areas are Agriculture, SMEs, Livestock, Women Entrepreneurship
- The idea must be Product based model not to be Loan based model
- It may be IT based
- It must be applicable and problem-solving
- Addressing the social & Market need
- Promoting Financial Inclusion
- Alleviation of Poverty
- Combating Climate and Environmental Problems
Competition Guidelines:
- There must be up to 3 to 5 students in one team or group.
- A proposal must be submitted within 3 weeks from the date of registration.
- Expert reviewers will evaluate submissions to be selected for poster presentations.
Prototypes will have to be displayed together with the posters.
- The finalists will be given 10 minutes for an oral presentation covering the key ideas of the project to the panel of the judges and followed by 5 minutes Q&A.
- Based on the judging criteria, the judges will rank and identify the first three positions.
Judging Criteria:
- Creativity / Idea Novelty (20%)
- Impact on Society and/or Professional Practice (20%)
- Commercialization Potential (20%)
- Prototype Design and Implementation (20%)
- Usability / Ergonomics (20%)
1st Rs. 15000/-
2nd Rs. 10000/-
3rd Rs. 5000/-
Email for Submission:
[email protected]
Important Dates:
Announcement: 04-04-2019
Submission Deadline: 26-04-2019
Notification of acceptance and Rejections: 29-04-2019
Presentations, Results and Prize Distributed Ceremony 02-05-2019
Contact Details:
Mr. Muhammad Hassan Abbas
Operational Manger (Al-Mawakhat)
[email protected]
Mr. Muhammad Shahan Siddique
Representative (ORIC-MUL)
[email protected]
To help and encourage more entrepreneurial spirit among young students and graduates of Minhaj University Lahore...ORIC MUL is going to organize a business idea competition