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3rd International Maritime Conference (IMC-2025)

Conference Theme: Navigating Legal Waters: Upholding Maritime Law and Governance
Organized by: Centre of Research and Innovation in Maritime Affairs (CRIMA), Minhaj University Lahore

1. Maritime Regulatory and Governance issues
International Maritime Law and Transborder Regulations
Holistic Issues of Maritime Governance
Emerging Security Trends and Challenges in the Indian Ocean
Maritime Education and Development
Pakistan’s Maritime Governance: CPEC Connectivity Beyond Gwadar Port
2. Maritime Operational and Technological Challenges
Contemporary Maritime Shipping and Future Challenges
Maritime Logistics and Port Management
Maritime Safety and Risk Assessment
Marine Environment and Sustainable Management
Effects of Marine Pollution on Coastal Infrastructure
3. Maritime Management and Technology
Strategies for Managing Plastic Waste in Marine Environments
Mitigating the Impact of Oil Spills on Coastal Areas
Role of Marine Protected Areas in Sustainable Management
Impact of Technological Advancement on Shipping Efficiency
Smart Ports and Modern Maritime Logistics
4. Maritime Governance
The Impact of UNCLOS on Modern Maritime Disputes
The Role of International Maritime Organizations in Law Enforcement
Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Maritime Policies
Public-Private Partnerships in Maritime Infrastructure Development
Naval Power Projection by Major Nations in the Indian Ocean

Note: Selected papers will be published in Journal of Nautical Eye and Strategic Studies (J-NESS), a HEC recognized Y-Category Journal.

Registration Fees:
Foreign Presenters: US$ 50
National Presenters: PKR 1500
Foreign Participants: US$ 40
National Participants: PKR 1000

For Details:
Dr Uzma Naz: +92 300 801 4594
Ms Rabia Shafique: +92 310 471 4902
Conference Theme: Navigating Legal Waters: Upholding Maritime Law and Governance