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2nd World Islamic Economics and Finance Conference (WIEFC 2019)

Program Book    |     Abstract Book 

Following the recent developments and innovations in Islamic Finance, the focus on Islamic economics and finance has intensified worldwide as part of the increasing interest in ethical and social dimensions of financial services. The growing market of the Shariah-compliant financial products and services is evidence of this greater interest. Islamic financial institutions currently work in over 95 countries worldwide, and the volume of Islamic financial assets issued and managed by Islamic financial institutions has expanded over the last few years, from assets approaching USD 1.89 trillion in 2016 to approximately USD 2.35 trillion in 2022. (Source: IFSB IFSI Stability Report 2017)

This rapid rate of expansion and growth of the Islamic financial industry and its commercial operations has highlighted the need for an equal rate of growth in supporting regulatory and governance structures. It has also widely led to an understanding that academics, scholars and policy makers must take a leading role in giving efficient, innovative and authentic solutions to help the industry remain on track in achieving the goals of a truly alternative and sustainable Islamic economic system. Now, more than ever, there is an urgent need to prove how Islamic finance can be truly and authentically based upon the goals and ideals of an Islamic economic theory. Thus, academics scholars & Practitioners/Policy Makers must continue to undertake innovative research in matters of both theory and practice and present their findings for discussion at the global level.

Recognizing the above, Minhaj University Lahore is organizing its 2nd international conference on Islamic economics and finance with the theme of 'Adaptability & Dependability. The conference will use the university's strength to focus on the consensus that the Islamic banking and finance industry (IBFI) should be more inclined towards ethical and social concerns than the conventional system. Furthermore, the optimal role of governance, Innovative products and their mechanisms in providing stability and trust will be an important part of the main theme. Contributions should address research gaps in these areas.

Shaykh-ul-Islam Professor Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, Chairman Board of Governors, Minhaj University Lahore will deliver the Conference Keynote Speech.

Sub Themes Economic Analysis of Islamic Banking and Finance

  • Monetary and financial stability with Islamic Banking
  • Monetary policy and the function of central banking in an Islamic economy
  • Why do Islamic financial intermediaries exist?
  • Islamic banking distress and merger announcements
  • Banks, financial markets, and macroeconomic growth
Inclusive Financial Development
  • The importance of access to finance in Muslim and non-Muslim communities
  • New models for Islamic microfinance and their comparative analysis
  • Islamic Social Finance: Zakat, Awqaf, Microfinance
  • Financial Technology for Islamic Banking: Role of Blockchain Management, Crowdfunding, Smart Contracts and Cryptocurrencies
  • Marketing Strategies for marketing of Islamic Financial Products
Islamic Capital Markets
  • Risk management in Islamic banks after Basel IV
  • Islamic banking and stock markets
  • Islamic banking and Sukuk (bonds) markets
  • Portfolio Management and Islamic Finance
  • Islamic banking and financial innovation
Mathematics and valuation of Islamic financial instruments
  • Islamic financial product engineering, including the risk of concealment of Riba
  • Establishing alternative pricing and valuation benchmarks for Islamic finance and delinking from conventional benchmarks
  • Status of credit rating agencies in the Islamic finance industry
  • Experimental work on the causes and economic consequences of religion and virtuous behaviour
  • Sovereign wealth funds and their potential role in the development of Islamic finance industry
Stability and Islamic Financial Markets and Institutions
  • Lending standards, asset bubbles, loose monetary policy and global imbalances
  • Relationship between monetary reforms and macro-prudential policy
  • Exchange rate regimes and financial sector development
  • Interest-free credit from government-controlled central banks
  • Critiques of full reserve banking and fractional reserve banking
Management issues
  • Quality management systems in Islamic banking
  • Local and international market strategies of Islamic banks
  • Business ethics in Islamic finance
  • Customer Relationship Management in Islamic Banking System (CRM)
Regulation and Stability of Islamic Banking and Finance
  • Developing templates for assessing the development and stability of Islamic financial services
  • Developing succinct performance and stability indicators for Islamic finance industry
  • Enhancing the effectiveness of legal, regulatory and core infrastructure for Islamic financial institutions, including issues related to taxation, accounting, enforceability of contracts and recourse to assets.
  • Impact of Basel IV, G20 reform agenda, IFSB and AAOIFI standards on Islamic financial services industry
  • Islamic perspectives on bankruptcy, insolvency and distress
  • Cryptocurrencies: blessings from cyberworld or Dilemma
Research and teaching Issues
  • Islamic finance: discipline state and the way forward
  • Islamic finance: what research topics recommend to senior and junior researchers?
  • Islamic banking and finance teaching: reality, challenges and outlook.
  • Islamic finance, its method, history and scope
  • Challenges of education and teaching institutions and human resources
  • Curriculum Uniformity and Role of Higher Education Commission
  • Balancing resources between Islamic economics and Islamic finance research and teaching and integrating Islamic finance within Islamic economics
  • The state of research journals and Internet resources in Islamic economics
  • An assessment of Islamic economics and finance writings in
  • international peer-reviewed journals
  • Translating Islamic economic theory into a testable economic mode
    Conference Chair
  • Shaykh-ul-Islam Professor Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, Chairman BOG, Minhaj University Lahore
Conference Co-Chairs:
  • Prof. Dr. Humayon Dar, Director General & CEO, International Research & Training Institute, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah
  • Dr. Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri, Deputy Chairman BOG, Minhaj University Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Prof. Dr. Ishaq Bhatti, Assoc Professor & Director Islamic Banking and Finance program, Department of Economics & Finance, La Trobe Business School, College of Arts Social Sciences and Commerce (ASSC), La Trobe University, Australia
  • Dr. Mughees Shaukat, Head, Islamic Finance, College of Banking and Financial Studies, Central Bank of Oman
Last date for submission of abstracts August 10, 2018
Acceptance of abstracts August 17, 2018
Last date for submission of full papers October 12, 2018
Acceptance of full papers October 26, 2018
Last date for registration of presenters November 9, 2018
Conference dates: January 5-6, 2019
Presenters (Foreign) other than Pakistan USD 100/-
Local (faculty members) (Pakistan) Rs. 5000/-
PhD students Rs. 3000
Non-presenter participants Rs. 1500/-

Contact Details:

For any query, Contact to Conference Secretariat

Mr. Khurram Shahzad
[email protected]

Mr. Sajjad Ahmad
[email protected]

Mufti Fahad Ahmad Qureshi
[email protected]

Mr. Umair Abbas
[email protected]

Minhaj University Lahore,
Punjab, Pakistan

Registration of Non-Presenter Participants

Ms. Samreen Khurram Aftab
[email protected]

Email: [email protected]
Landline: +924235145621-624, +924235233121
Mobile: +9203034434325

2nd World Islamic Economics and Finance Conference (WIEFC 2019) "Adaptability & Dependability: Oriental & Empirical Innovations in Islamic Finance"